Why buy new when for a fraction of the price you can purchase a perfectly fine slightly older model that you know would suit you just fine, and should cost significantly less? often these models have many ports built in without having to purchase additional adapters which are expensive, easily get damaged, lost or stolen. this includes the common USB port which is now no longer in 2019+ macbooks even though MANY! devices still use this connection.
there are several advantages to this?
This is where iFixApple come in. We are a reseller of New, Used and professionally refurbished Apple equipment, it's certainly worth a look if you're in the market for an Apple device. You can find cheaper older models some of which the Apple no longer sell anymore in there main retail stores.
iFixApple Products are pre-owned Apple products, tested, refreshed and certified for sale. Every unit we sell at iFixApple undergoes a thorough, comprehensive refurbishment process prior to being certified for sale as summarised below.
InspectionEvery computer is at first give a visual check and history check “where possible” serial number is logged before entering next stage. |
TestingEvery component of the machine is tested using Apple’s very own engineers System Diagnostics Tools “ASD” to ensure every component and sensor inside the computer is working as it should. yes we use ASD and not AHT “Apple Hardware Test” which is a more basic end user diagnostics tool. |
RefreshEach and every machine is refurbished and any part needed is replaced with Genuine Apple components. The hard drive is securely erased using a 3 stage process then A clean installation of Mac OS X is performed to give your Mac that out of the box feel, ready for registration with your details.
CertifyPrior to being listed for sale each machine is given a thorough clean and placed into a final Quality Assurance check in which after a final visual check the machine is certified and graded for sale.
Please Click Here for more information on our grading